Wednesday, June 22, 2011

This Little Light of Mine

Last week, as I was busily working away at the table, my husband informed me I had an aura. He added, going back to work suits you well. I don't know that he saw angelic lights surrounding me while seraphims and cherubims sang, but I do know I was extremely happy. The sick part is, it was after 10 at night, I had been working from home for several hours after working at an office all day, but I was happy. Maybe it wasn't an aura he saw, maybe it was just the light of the end of the tunnel. Ya know the one, we've been waiting on for the better part of two years.

Those of you, who have read this blog before, know I was working part time, barely returned to full time and was once again laid off. I wasn't very happy with several aspects of that job, so while the end result didn't exactly bring tears to my eyes, its disappearance made finances tighter than they had been.

Then as if all the stars and planets simultaneously aligned in the House of Janine ( I believe that's the 10th house--Capricorn), I had 2 straight weeks of nothing but multiple interviews. My measly weekly unemployment payments could not cover the interview gas expense. Everything started happening at once, everyone was moving rapidly knowing that I was actively interviewing. Then, I found it.

It was like sliding on a pair of jeans and having your butt look awesome even though you didn't do squats that week and had a chocolate milkshake (yes, with whip cream, why would you even wonder).

The excitement, the opportunity, the satisfaction is probably why, even now as my blackberry vibrates, I don't mind stopping to see what is needed. It's much easier to give something all you have, when you want to as opposed to have to. I guess the same could be said for relationships.

Perhaps, what my husband actually saw was happiness, me without stress all around, me back in my element. While I know my first few paychecks will pay out larger bills than normal, I also know that I can pay my bills again. That I can eventually take Gabriel on excursions, go shopping once more, work on the house again, eventually take a real vacation. Will everything happen as rapidly as I would like? Probably not, I lack this thing called patience. But it will happen, the light is starting to shine once more.

On my way to work this morning I saw a license plate that read "i magine". I think I will.

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